Residents of a Yelm neighborhood have petitioned to change their area’s school district boundary from Yelm Community Schools (YCS) to Tumwater School District (TSD).
A total of 54.5% of residents from the Sunwood Lakes Community at Egret Drive SE signed off on a citizen petition to Capital Educational Service District (ESD) 113 Superintendent Flip Herndon on Nov. 1, 2024.
Ben Rarick, Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations, discussed the petition to the TSD Board of Directors at a meeting on Thursday, Jan. 23.
The petitioners’ reasons for the redistricting are unreliable bus transportation, YCS’s failed levy, neighborhood division, school schedule, geographic considerations and current enrollment issues.
“One of the reasons that these citizens have petitioned to be part of the Tumwater School District is the reliability of the transportation program in the Tumwater School District,” Rarick said.
The residents, who filed the petition, wrote that the distance to each school that schoolchildren would attend in the TSD is closer than the nearest school in the YCS.
“Bus transportation in the Yelm School District has been inconsistent, making it difficult for children to get to and from school on time. During the 2023-2024 school year, delays and cancellations both to and from school became a (bimonthly) occurrence,” the petitioners stated.
Residents of the community at Egret Drive SE, Thurston County, stated in their petition that the proposal would let six school-age children next school year avail of TSD Bus Route Trip 121 (Vehicle 5).
If implemented, the petitioners are aiming for the children be serviced by the TSD transportation, with potential pick-up at the beginning of Thru Lake Cirle - Egret Drive SE (yellow dot on the map above) after the nearest current stop at Thru Lake Circle - Thru Lake Loop SE.
The route covers elementary, middle and high school students, and children may also walk to the current bus stop as it is just 300 feet away from the proposed stop.
Bus 121 currently makes two stops in the petitioners' neighborhood, which are outside of TSD, to pick up children at Thru Lake Circle - Puffin Drive SE (blue dot) and Thru Lake Circle - Run Drive SE (red dot).
“This demonstrates current efforts by the Tumwater School District to best accommodate student needs in our area,” the petition stated.
“We believe that this change will provide better educational opportunities for our children and families. This is the primary goal of why and how district boundaries should be created.”
The petitioners included other reasons in filing the petition.
The Thurston County Auditor has verified the petition's signatures, and Herndon has advised the two districts to reach an agreement in 90 days.
The directors have been asked to designate a representative to enter into negotiations for the 90-day period, which ends on March 20.
Various outcomes may be produced from the negotiation, as the two districts may agree to not agree to the boundary revision, affirmatively agree to the boundary revision or disagree.
Either TSD or YCS may request a one-time, 30-day extension or the Capital ESD superintendent to provide a mediator.
If agreement is not reached by the period, either of the affected school districts may request a hearing with the Regional Committee.
“In the event that the districts disagree, it can be referred to the Regional Committee and the Regional Committee set up for the purpose of … arbitrating these disputes with districts are not able to agree,” Rarick said.
TSD aims to schedule a negotiation session with YCS from February to March and set a deadline for the adopted decision or agreement before the March 20 deadline.
The directors will decide on the representative at a later date.
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Has the state ever considered that its pupil transportation program seriously undermines the Growth Management Act?
If parents choose to live far from urban areas, they should provide their own transportation.
Bob Jacobs
Friday, January 31 Report this