Rebuilding Together's 'Build it Breakfast'


Rebuilding Together is hosting its annual “Build It Breakfast,” a fundraising event that highlights the nonprofit’s commitment to making essential home repairs for folks who are handicapped, people who are low-income homeowners, and for other nonprofits.  

The event, set for Thursday, March 13, 2025, is an opportunity for you to get to know more about the work they do in the community.  

If you aren’t familiar with Rebuilding Together yet, let me share a little bit about them. They are a national organization with local affiliates.  

Our local Rebuilding Together is located on Legion Way here in Olympia. They are dedicated to helping families and individuals remain in their homes by addressing critical repairs.  

Imagine having a leaky roof and not being able to afford to repair it. There is a good chance of losing your home. Enter Rebuilding Together.  

They are a vital lifeline for homeowners in need. Beyond physical repairs, Rebuilding Together’s efforts focus on long-term community recovery, especially in the wake of natural disasters. 

The “Build It Breakfast” is a key fundraising event for Rebuilding Together. Money raised at the event will go into providing home repairs and community revitalization programs.  

The breakfast is an opportunity to support the organization financially, and also a chance to hear firsthand from people whose lives have been transformed by Rebuilding Together’s efforts. If you are at all curious about getting involved, go and give these stories a listen.  

I have known Cathy Johnson, the executive director of Rebuilding Together, for a couple years now. Through her heart and hard work, Rebuilding Together has become an essential part of our community. She inspires curiosity and generosity.  

Rebuilding Together’s model of collaboration with local residents and community leaders is key to the organization’s success. By working together with people who live in the neighborhoods they serve, Rebuilding Together ensures that its repairs and revitalization efforts meet the specific needs of each community. 

They aren’t just here in Thurston County to make repairs, they are here to build a stronger, more resilient community. Through fixing roofs or working with local leaders to develop long-term recovery plans, Rebuilding Together is committed to the well-being of Thurston County.  

Since 2004, the nonprofit organization has received more than 750 applications for help. If I were a builder, I would be overwhelmed by those numbers. 

It seems as though Rebuilding Together is only limited in resources, not demand. The “Build It Breakfast” is a way for us to help even more folks through the efforts of Rebuilding Together. If you can’t tell, I am a fan of the organization.  

If you are free on March 13, check out the “Build It Breakfast”. You can make a difference in Thurston through your donations and your time.  

Tickets for the breakfast can be purchased at  

If you would like more information about the organization’s programs, learn how to volunteer, and check out other events, you can gather all that information on Rebuilding Together’s website at 

Zach Davis-Price, the writer of this column, is a man of many interests, especially the workings and activities of local nonprofit organizations and volunteer programs. He lives in Tumwater. Send him a note at


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