Olympia City Hall

Parks and school impact fees coming up at Olympia Finance Committee


OLYMPIA –– Members of the Olympia Finance Committee will discuss impact fees in a meeting this Wednesday, or one-time charges on a new development. 

Parks impact fees and school impact fees are both collected by the city, although school impact fees are only collected on behalf of the Olympia School District before being paid to the district itself. 

Impact fees are part of the city’s 2021 preliminary operating and capital budget, and help pay for newly-built or expanded public buildings and facilities that are spurred by new growth in the city. Impact fees collected by the city outside of the school impact fees are associated with parks and transportation projects, and information about school, parks and transportation impact fees will be discussed during the finance committee meeting on Wednesday. 

The remote Aug. 19 meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. For more information about the meeting or to register to attend, visit the City of Olympia’s agendas page and click on the link to the agenda for the “08/19/2020” finance committee meeting.  The link to register is on top of the meeting agenda.

Olympia City Hall, Olympia Finance Committee, impact fees


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