A mega airport in Thurston County? Two locations (of several others) in Thurston County have been suggested by WSDOT and the Governor’s aviation expansion work group. One between Olympia and Yelm, and the other between Tenino and Interstate I-5.
The workgroup is completely dominated by commercial interests and only presents aviation-favorable information.
What’s missing?
Respect for surrounding communities of a new mega airport, which is under approach and departure flight paths, as far as ten miles beyond the airport. This is according to research conducted by Seattle/King County Health Department at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SeaTac).
Independently verified forecasts: The forecasts for passenger and cargo service needs are sourced from the aviation/transportation industry itself. Of course, its members would like to keep growing. And, climate cooling/public health is not a decision point.
Instead, WSDOT and the for-profit-interests emphasize:
Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) – It is decades away and requires a major agricultural shift from food to biofuel feedstock, without net emission reduction, according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, June 2022 article: Can Biofuels Really Fly?
Electric flying brings the Airport of the Future – maybe as a ‘flying car.’ But range limits and heaviness of batteries make a broad commercial application unrealistic any time soon.
Message to the Governor and WSDOT CACC@wsdot.wa.gov : use new technology and SAFs for existing commercial flying first, then let’s talk about expansion again. No expansion until the new technology can live up to its promises, the industry accepts accountability, and the process is democratic.
Ursula Euler
Click here for Ursula's website and more info.
4 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here
If we're serious about wanting to reduce carbon emissions from air travel, we need to seriously invest in high speed interurban rail systems, which divert short trips (e.g., Seattle-Portland) from the air.
Thursday, September 22, 2022 Report this
I agree with Ms. Euler. By all reports the process has been misleading and dishonest.
A major airport in Thurston County would profoundly alter our quality of life, and not for the better.
But look for all the business organizations to be in favor of it. For them, personal welfare trumps community welfare.
Bob Jacobs
Friday, September 23, 2022 Report this
Do not allow this. It will not serve the interests of the community and no one is demanding it.
Friday, September 23, 2022 Report this
Thurston County is in the State's gunsights for a huge airport the size of seatac, if not larger. The residents in the areas considered have made their voices heard-no. Absolutely NOT. The County Commissioners have told the State NO, absolutely not.
"The state isn't listening to us," a woman at the Commissioner's office told me.
No kidding.
We're In the Way. We're ants to them, mere dust. They know we're going to complain and even fight, but they have the time, the budget and the lawyers to defeat us.
They want what we have-the land our homes sit on-and they will take it.
The dreams of electric airplanes is merely that, a dream. Maybe a small commuter plane with a small range might work, but the State is thinking giant jets, like the Dreamliner and the 767.
Yet people living in Yakima or Walla Walla have to drive all day just to get to SeaTac for a flight the next day. Why not put it in Moses Lake, like they planned to years ago?
Why another one at ALL?
Because there's money to be made by someone at the expense of hundreds of others lives and homes. Money that will come out of OUR property taxes, while the values of our homes plummet, and the fat cats planning this sit back and sneer at our NIMBY attitude.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 Report this