County to support local homeless with short-term funding

Project serving the homeless and homeless veterans


Yesterday, the Thurston Board of County Commissioners passed a motion that approved a $49,275 contract with the Catholic Community Services of Western Washington (CCSWW) to provide shelter services for homeless and homeless veterans and their families at the Drexel House Emergency Shelter.

CCSWW created Drexel House in 2007 to provide emergency shelter and transitional and permanent housing for the homeless, as well as case management, referrals, transportation, and supportive services.

Mark Moffett of Thurston County Public Health and Social Services explained that the funds cover the period of January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022, to provide shelter services and shelter stays for the homeless.

Moffett clarified that the approved motion was a contract for reimbursement of services the CCSWW rendered to the community, including the veterans.

Moffett added CCS works with the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs to assist veterans in getting their DD214. "If they can't find that, we have people who can support them. We try to exercise all options to help them find their discharge” papers. "They collect a DD214, which is their military discharge paper. At the end of the quarter, they will submit an invoice to the county," said Moffett, adding they reviewed the documents submitted to ensure that the veterans qualify for the program.


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  • DezSpeaksTheTruth


    Thursday, July 28, 2022 Report this