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Thank you to the Jolt for being community friendly. It is one of the few public outlets that have not sold out to greed. Aviation is the noisiest and dirtiest transportation mode of all. The industry is stuck in its business model of encouraging frequent and cheap flying, when it should do full-plane-full-fare [no-better-option]-flying and lend its full support to climate cooling. The industry and government push sustainable fuels and electric flying like heck, but for commercial applications it is a tough tough nut to crack. It needs much more time and let the industry implement it first at existing facilities. Then we can talk about expansion again. And, no more subsidies, special exceptions and huge grants. It has disincentivized aviation innovation, and with record profits and the enormous stock buybacks in the last few years, they can pay their own way.

From: Anti-airport group invites public to event this Monday, November 14

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