The resolutions by the Port and the MOU requiring definition of how both the initial construction and the annual/required on going maintenance of the sediment control program is what the DES and the EIS inferred but kept silent on the true cost of both. The cost comparison by DES between the Managed Lake and the Estuary Alternatives were "bogus" and misleading to avoid acknowledging a probable 10 to 1 cost difference. The Estuary will cost at least 10 times more than the Managed Lake and create an even larger ongoing maintenance cost that the State should pay for. This was pointed out during the draft EIS process, comments documented by the public and promptly ignored by the State/DES. Their cost also did not reflect the new risk the Estuary will create to the flooding of downtown when the 5th avenue flood management system is destroyed. The Port has every right to require the State/DES agree to the next 50 years of maintenance cost rather than the taxpayers of Thurston County and cities of Olympia, Tumwater, and LOTT rate payers.
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